Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Dear Future-Hot-Self,
This is Present-Day-Cold-self here. I know this crooked floored places is usually unbearably toasty, but today its cold and I think we may want to remember that. Now that the early spring has reverted back to its old "I'll get there when I get there" ways, and the furnace is off, I have one thing to say at it "brrrr".

Remember the winter? All that dry heat pouring through the afore mentioned crooked floor, flying past us as we went about our day. The way you pranced around in a tank top and shorts, windows open singing Beach boy tunes..? I could use a little of that this morning. I'm freezing. I wish I had Bill Cosby's sweaters.
Oh, and Future-Hot-Self, we could use a few more pairs of socks.I put some laundry on yesterday and have only yesterdays-socks to keep me from frost-bite.
FHS, can you recall the summer? The muggy, sticky, every-thing-smells-like-Labrador-Retriever days of summer? Sneaking out to the roof at 4:00 for a breeze? Believe it or not, I long for that right now. Last night I had to pull my bra out of my sleeve and do the two-second t-shirt switch. Now is not the time to have nipples.

Well, I gotta fly. There is a hot shower to be had and the cold agony that follows. A month from now, when the temperature of this place reaches a bizillion degrees. you'll be peeling yourself off the sheets for a cold bath. Think of me then old friend.

Anyhow, Present-Day-Frumpy-Self is sitting here in an old painting sweater and she wants to say somethings to Future-Sexy-Self (copycat!) so I'd better go.



  1. you best be writing consistently as I can feel myself already becoming addicted....great another addiction to keep me from the productivity of my own life...you better start saving your pennies when I come knocking for rehab :)

  2. I have pennies? What a delighful yet optomistic thought. I should go roll them.

  3. Also Bev. I earn money from this add if I let them post embarrassing ads and people go there.
    The ads are focused on the text of the blog. Mondays will be the last one that mentions toilet paper if you get my drift...
